How To Do SMS Marketing (Updated 2024 Guide)

In this guide, you’ll learn the basics of how to do SMS marketing from defining your audience, and compliance, to building an SMS list and measuring the success of a campaign.

Planning Your SMS Marketing Strategy

Defining Your Target Audience

Why would you bother to segment your marketing?

It makes selling easier.

When you know exactly who you are targeting,  it’s easier to tailor your messaging and offers that resonate with that group of people.

If you want more sales then you need to have a target market in mind.

It’s best to think of a single person who represents the overall target market you’re going after.

An easy place to start is with your existing customer base since you’re already dealing with them on a regular basis, think about the different types of customers you have and split them into groups then create a persona who represents each group.

Take some time to define your ideal customer persona – their age, location, interests, and pain points. This will help you craft messages that resonate with them and offer real value.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

Like any business activity, it’s important to set a goal.

Some common SMS marketing goals include:

  • Promoting special offers and discounts
  • Sharing updates and announcements
  • Collecting customer feedback
  • Driving traffic to your website or store

Choosing the Right SMS Marketing Platform

Once you know your audience and goals, it’s time to choose an SMS marketing platform. These platforms allow you to build and manage your subscriber list, create and schedule messages, and track your results.

Look for a platform that’s easy to use, offers features like automated campaigns and list segmentation, and provides detailed analytics. A popular option is

Complying with Regulations and Best Practices

Each marketing platform has its own set of rules but SMS is unique in the sense that you truly own your subscriber list, unlike social media accounts and email accounts where your reach can be throttled.

SMS does however fall under the ACMA spam act. (here in Australia) it’ll be different depending on what part of the world you are from.

Additionally, there are best practices to follow, such as:

  • Including an easy way for subscribers to opt out
  • Limiting the frequency of your messages
  • Getting permission from subscribers i.e. only sending messages to people who have opted in to your list.

Familiarize yourself with the regulations in your area and follow industry best practices to ensure a positive experience for your subscribers.

Building Your SMS Marketing List

Obtaining Explicit Consent from Subscribers

The more engaged your list, the more profitable it will become, and this starts with only having people subscribe who are pre-interested in receiving messages.

IMPORTANT: if possible state what the reader will receive and how often next to your opt-in offer, if that’s not possible make this your first text message i.e. the welcome text.

Offering Incentives for Subscribing

Create your opt-in offer which is “text 1234 to 0412345678 and receive VIP offers on our top shoe brands”.

Understanding your target audience will dictate what offer you will use.

Note: when I say “offer” I don’t necessarily mean discounts.

An offer could be free download, template, guide or consultation, etc. it’s typically something that is of high value that qualifies the subscriber and moves them closer to your solution.

Integrating SMS Opt-in Options Across Various Channels

Make it easy for people to opt-in to your SMS list by offering multiple channels. Include an opt-in form on your website, promote your SMS list on social media, and have in-store signage or a tablet for collecting phone numbers.

The more visible and accessible your opt-in options are, the faster your SMS list will grow.

Managing and Segmenting Your Subscriber List

The least effective strategy is to have one list.

This will lower the response rate and increase unsubscribes purely because not everyone on that list will care for every message, some people will and some people won’t, this means it’s best to have your list segmented before they start opting in.

This means you’ll have a separate opt-in with a different “keyword” for each opt-in offer. Think of the keyword as a bucket, each bucket will collect a different type of opt-in/subscriber.

Keeping everything tidy at the start will pay off with higher conversions and lower unsubscribes.

Crafting Effective SMS Campaigns

Writing Compelling SMS Copy

SMS is not like email in this regard.

For email you need copywriters, graphic designers, proofing team, etc. 

The beauty of SMS is that it is so simple, there are no graphics, no coding, and limited characters which means your message will need to get straight to the point.

It’s one of the fastest communication channels, since a person can read your text in literally seconds.

But here are some things worth considering:

  1. Mention your business name
  2. Start your offer early
  3. Tell them exactly what the next steps are

It’s hard to mess up an SMS message due to it’s limited character count which is 160-450 characters.

Timing and Scheduling SMS Campaigns

The timing of your SMS campaigns can make a big difference in their effectiveness. Research shows that the best times to send promotional texts are during the workday (between 10 am and 2 pm) or early evening (around 6 pm).

Schedule your campaigns accordingly, and consider sending time-sensitive offers or reminders at strategic times to increase engagement.

Integrating SMS with Other Marketing Channels

SMS marketing works best when integrated with your other marketing efforts. Promote your SMS list in your email campaigns, social media posts, and on your website.

You can also use SMS to complement your other channels, like sending a text reminder about an upcoming webinar or sale that you’re promoting through email and social media.

Measuring and Optimizing SMS Marketing Performance

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Track

To measure the success of your SMS marketing campaigns, you’ll need to track key performance indicators (KPIs). Common KPIs for SMS marketing include:

  • Conversion rate: this can be tracked by sending people to a specific landing page or special code that only SMS subscribers receive.
  • Click-through rate: this can be tracked by using tracking links inside your messages.
  • Unsubscribe rate: This is just taking the number in your list at the start of every month and then comparing at the end.

Analytics and Reporting Tools for SMS Marketing

SMS platforms tend to be very basic when it comes to analytics which is why it’s important to use 3rd party tracking tactics, like unique codes, landing pages, trackable urls, etc.

A/B Testing Strategies for Improving SMS Campaigns

Every SMS campaign is an opportunity to learn.

Sending out different offers to each group will help you zero in on the best offers faster.

Optimizing Campaigns Based on Data-Driven Insights

Have a spreadsheet with the campaign, the offer and the results of each campaign based on your goals and objectives.


SMS marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to connect with their audience, drive engagement, and boost sales. By following the strategies and best practices outlined in this guide, you can build a successful SMS marketing program that delivers real results.

Remember, the key to SMS marketing success is to:

  • Define your target audience and goals
  • Build an engaged, permission-based subscriber list
  • Craft compelling, relevant messages
  • Integrate SMS with your other marketing channels
  • Continuously measure, analyze, and optimize your campaigns

With careful planning, execution, and a commitment to providing value to your subscribers, SMS marketing can be a game-changer for your business.

So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring SMS marketing platforms and strategies today, and unlock the full potential of this highly effective communication channel.